
Comedic yet instructive voice-overs to teach recipes that everyone can follow

The mysterious man behind You Suck at Cooking, has gained internet notoriety for his culinary tutorial videos. He has managed to build up his YouTube channel “You Suck at Cooking” to a culinary phenomenon that defies convention. With an enigmatic narrator, this YouTube channel has amassed over 3 million subscribers and 300 million views since its inception in 2015. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the absurdly practical world of cooking, where humor and kitchen skills collide.

The channel’s premise? No bullshit. Just cooking. Well, except for all the delightful nonsense that accompanies it. The videos, shot from a first-person perspective on an iPhone, focus solely on the kitchen counter and the narrator’s hands. It’s a refreshing departure from the polished cooking tutorials we’re accustomed to.

The most popular episode is Modified Ramen (episode 80). With 10 million views, this video takes humble ramen to new heights. You will get no less than 5 different ways to spice up your regular instant ramen. You’ll also learn how to avoid WABS (weak-ass broth syndrome). Clocking in on a humble 6,2 million views you have the Modified Mac and Cheese (episode 53). You you will not only get numerous of new ways to notch up your mac’n’cheese, you will also get pairing recommendations. The recommendations are predominantly beverages, but the Broccoloni and cheese is paired well with “being a staunch vegetarian for three weeks”. Or the Ham Sandamoni and Cheesewich/Hamaroni and Chustard, which goes well with “bragging about how much you drank last night”.

Inspired by the YouTube show there is also the cookbook “The Absurdly Practical Guide to Sucking Slightly Less at Making Food”. The mysterious creator, known for well-manicured hands and an equally mysterious voice, delivers illustrated how-to’s that blend wit with kitchen wisdom. Besides the recipes, there are cooking tips that can be applied not only to the very recipes in this book, but also to recipes outside of this book, and to all other areas of your life (with mixed results).

So if you want to have more fun in the kitchen, check out You suck at cooking. In the end, you just might suck slightly less at cooking.*

*Results not guaranteed