
Cooking style: Modern grandma

Stephen Cusato, the mastermind behind the popular YouTube channel “Not Another Cooking Show” has taken the culinary world by storm. With his infectious passion for food and straightforward approach, he’s captured the hearts (and appetites) of over 1.1 million subscribers. He provides weekly updates with Italian-style dishes, mixed with reviews and tips for a successful kitchen endeavour.

Stephen’s style is refreshingly unpretentious. He doesn’t rely on flashy gimmicks or over-the-top theatrics. Instead, he focuses on what matters most: the food. His kitchen is a place of experimentation, where he fearlessly tackles both classic recipes and innovative twists. Whether he’s making zeppoles from scratch or crafting the perfect vinaigrette, Stephen’s style is all about simplicity, flavor, and authenticity.

But it’s not just cooking and recipes you get from Not another cooking show. While his dishes definitely holds high standard and should be watched by anyone wanting to excel in the Italian cuisine, it’s his tutorials and how-to’s that really sets him apart from other food creators out there.

If you tune in to Not another cooking show you will get valuable lessons in everything related to cooking. It can be anything from how you best clean an cast iron pan to how to stock and setup new kitchen after a move or renovation. One of the most requested videos is how to stock your pantry. It is a 30-minute video which deep-dives into the pantry essentials. This is the video you didn’t know you desperately needed. You will also be provided with a checklist so you have no excuse not to go re-organize and re-fill your pathetic pantry.

Not another cooking show isn’t just about recipes; it’s about fostering a love for cooking. He encourages viewers to trust their palates, experiment, and enjoy the process. As Anthony Bourdain once said, “Cooking is a craft, I like to think, and a good cook is a craftsman, not an artist.” Stephen embodies this ethos, making cooking accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Stephen sums it up best: “I’m here to teach you how to make cooking as fun for you as it is for me.” And that’s precisely what he does—whether it’s a simple salad dressing or a complex dish. So next time you’re in the kitchen, channel your inner Stephen Cusato and create something delicious.