
Calzone – Pizza’s not so famous cousin

BY: Ethan Bennet


February 27, 2024

A cheesy goodness

In this article we want to shed some light on the calzone, the premium pizza pocket. These doughy delights have a rich history rooted in Italian culinary traditions. Originally hailing from Naples, Italy, calzones are like the portable cousin of pizza. The name itself means “trouser leg” in Italian, hinting at that signature fold that seals in all that cheesy goodness.

The calzone can be described as having a soft and doughy exterior embracing a gooey inside, typically consisting of cheese and tomato sauce. While the question of having the tomato sauce inside or outside the calzone is up for debate, we would say it’s a matter of personal preference. Calzones can also feature additional ingredients like various meats, veggies, and herbs, making for numerous combinations. It’s a culinary delight that has evolved over the years, adapting to local tastes and incorporating contemporary twists.

Instead of delving into the reasons behind the excellence of the calzone, we prefer to show you. Therefore, we’ve curated a selection of the best videos on the subject, highlighting its versatility and comforting cheesiness.

Joshua Weissman: Perfect Homemade Cheesy Calzones (2 Methods)

Ever wondered how to nail that crispy outside and gooey inside combo? This video spills the secrets with not one, but two methods for making the perfect homemade cheesy calzones.

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Binging with Babish: Calzones from Seinfeld:

If you’re a Seinfeld fan, you’re in for a treat! Join Binging with Babish as he brings the iconic calzones episode to life, blending humor and culinary magic.

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Brian Lagerstrom: Calzones are SO much more than folded pizza:

Prepare to have your mind blown! This video breaks down the stereotype and shows us that calzones are way more than just folded pizza – they’re a culinary canvas waiting to be explored.

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The Pizza Show: Making Calzones with Frank Pinello

Want to learn from a pizza maestro? Frank Pinello from the Pizza Show is here to guide us through the art of making calzones. Get ready for an authentic and delicious experience.

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Final words

So, there you have it – a quick dive into the world of calzones. These videos showcase the versatility and creativity that make calzones a timeless favorite. The calzone shouldn’t be seen as a competitor to the regular pizza, instead, it should be seen as another color on the pizza palette.

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