
Banh Mi: The Perfect Sandwich

BY: Fredrik Jensen


March 17, 2024

Welcome to Sandwich Heaven

Oh my lord, Banh Mi, where to begin…First of all, we know that it probably isn’t new to you, it might even be your favorite sandwich (we wouldn’t be surprised). If not, allow us to introduce you to this culinary marvel. The Banh Mi is a humble Vietnamese sandwich, a testament to the magic that can happen when simple ingredients are combined in just the right way. It’s a sandwich that tells a story of cultural fusion, historical influences, and the ingenuity of a people who can turn simple ingredients into a gastronomic masterpiece. It’s a taste of Vietnam that has captured the hearts and palates of food lovers all around the world.

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Andy Cooks travels to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to sample the city’s best Banh Mi’s.

The History of Banh Mi

The Banh Mi has a rich history. It started in the mid-19th century, when the French colonized Vietnam. The French brought over a lot of their own food culture and also introduced crops and livestock that wasn’t indigenous to the country. A few of the things that was brought over was the baguette, pâté, butter, cheese, and cold cuts. It was these new ingredients that led to the birth of the Banh Mi.

The name “Banh Mi” actually means “bread” in Vietnamese and can make things a bit confusing, but usually when talking about Banh Mi, one refers to the sandwich and not bread. The earliest version of the Banh Mi only consisted of a baguette with simple fillings, like butter, cheese and vegetables, mainly eaten by the French since bread was so expensive at the time. The “modern” version of Banh Mi saw its first light somewhere around the end of French colonization when bread and other foods became more available to common people. This version usually consist of a light and crispy baguette filled with ingredients like pork, pâté, pickled vegetables, coriander/cilantro, mayo and chili sauce.

The Bread

The bread is the heart of the Banh Mi. It’s basically a version of the french baguette, but a bit more airy and light. Some people argue that this is because the Vietnamese incorporated rice flour into the dough, making for a lighter and more crispy baguette. If rice flour should be included in the baguette today is up for debate, we at TimeSavour take a neutral standpoint in the matter, whatever floats your boat. The important thing is that the baguette has a crispy exterior and a fluffy inside. Preferably as freshly baked as possible. This makes it the perfect container for the rich and flavorful sandwich fillings.

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If you want to make the Vietnamese baguette, here’s a great recipe by Huy Nguyen.

The Fillings

The fillings are what make the Banh Mi shine. The most classic version includes cold cuts (like Cha Lua which could be described as a Vietnamese version of mortadella) and pâté, but there are many variations. You can find Banh Mi with roasted and grilled pork, chicken and beef, tofu and meatballs. There’s basically a Banh Mi for everyone. Each ingredient is carefully chosen and prepared to create a balance of flavours and textures. The result is an umami bomb of a sandwich, you got sweet, sour, salty, fatty and umami, it’s just amazing.

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Joshua Weissman’s Crispy Pork Banh Mi recipe.

The meat or protein is usually paired with pickled daikon radish and carrots. This gives the sandwich a tangy crunch that balances out the richness of the meat. Slices of fresh cucumber and a bunch of coriander/cilantro adds a burst of freshness, and slices of chili give it a spicy kick. Mayo is usually spread on the top half to give the sandwich more richness and also act as a lubricant. Some people like to add hoisin sauce or magi sauce (a type of flavour enhancing soy sauce) and it’s also quite common to see sriracha used as a topping. While there are some rules to this sandwich it’s still very adaptable, mixing fillings to find your own sweet spot is perfectly fine.

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Eater goes on a Banh Mi journey.

The Cultural Significance

As already mentioned, the Banh Mi is more than just a sandwich, It’s a symbol of Vietnamese resilience and creativity. Even though it has French origins, the Vietnamese have made the Banh Mi their own. It shows their ability to adapt and innovate. The Banh Mi is a reflection of Vietnam’s history and its people’s resourcefulness. It’s a testament to their ability to take something foreign and make it distinctly their own.

The Global Popularity of Banh Mi

The Banh Mi is not just popular in Vietnam. It has exploded in popularity all over the world. You can find Banh Mi shops in cities from New York to London to Sydney. This humble Vietnamese sandwich has truly become a global sensation. Its universal appeal lies in its simplicity and the harmony of flavors it delivers. We have no problem seeing this sandwich act as a universal baseline for all sandwiches to be compared with, it’s just that good.

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Marion’s Kitchen’s recipe for a Spicy Meatball Banh Mi.

In conclusion, the Banh Mi is a culinary masterpiece. It’s a simple and versatile sandwich that offers a taste adventure. It’s a bite of history, culture, and flavour, all wrapped in a crispy baguette. So, the next time you’re craving a sandwich, why not try a Banh Mi? It’s a taste of Vietnam that you can enjoy no matter where you are in the world, from the streets of Hanoi to the heart of New York City.

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Adam S
Adam S
5 months ago

Very interesting, didnt know the full backstory, only knew there was some relation to the French.