
What's Timesavour?

TimeSavour is many things but to make it easy we would describe ourselves as a modern food portal, or a guide helping you navigate the digital world of food. We consist of a bunch of food nerds with the mission of providing you with the best food content on the web. We do more than just share recipes and articles, our aim is to connect people through their mutual love for food. Wether it’s about cooking, eating, drinking or traveling – we’re here to share not just our own knowledge but the collective knowledge that can be found on various social media platforms.

At TimeSavour, we focus on quality. The whole reason for TimeSavour’s existence is our realization of how much quality food content was out there, but so hard to find because of all the noise. Our mission is to help you navigate through this noise by curating food content of the highest quality and helping you find the content creators producing it. We do create our own content but we focus just as much on curating, from inspiring Instagram post to the best YouTube videos, we find it for you and take you directly to the source.

As food nerds, we spend hours everyday looking for new food content. Ten years ago, this was mainly done through the classic food magazines and food blogs. But the days of the large culinary authorities, dictating what’s hot or not, are over. Today it’s the food community on social media that leads the way. Youtube, Instagram and TikTok are the melting pots for the modern food community. It’s here you get to know about the best recipes, expert advice and new food trends but it can sometimes be a bit difficult to navigate. This is the reason for our existence. We want to help you navigate the food content of social media and also be the stepping stone for people to find the modern food scene and its amazing community.
